July Quiz


IAPS Sport Quiz #2

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  1. When was IAPS (Independent Association of Preparatory Schools) founded?

    a. 1892
    b. 1901
    c. 1898

  2. The IAPS Sport website has a new look. Our website has everything both schools and parents should need to know about our events.

    How many sport disciplines does the IAPS Sport programme current offer?
    a. 20
    b. 21
    c. 22

  3. All the results from IAPS Sport events are listed on our website. You just need to visit the relevant sport homepage and select the results tab.How many schools in total qualified for the U11, U12 and U13 national netball finals in 2019?
    a. 72
    b. 71
    c. 64

  4. Which IAPS sport has seen the biggest % increase in participation since 2017?
    a. Gymnastics
    b. Rugby festivals
    c. Girls’ cricket festivals

  5. In 2016-2017 there were 89 events on the programme. We have grown hugely and now offer over 90% more events – wow!

    For academic year 2019-2020, how many IAPS Sport events were on offer to schools to take part in?
    a. 154
    b. 170
    c. 169

  6. Which event sees over 1500 competitors and 3000 spectators attend in a single day for an almighty final?
    a. National netball finals
    b. Boy’s hockey finals
    c. National swimming finals

  7. Roughly, how many children took part in IAPS events last year.
    a. 10,000
    b. 18,000
    c. 22,000

  8. From which country did a school travel the furthest to take part in the national swimming finals 2019?
    a. France
    b. Kenya
    c. Dubai

  9. The IAPS Sport team is made up of two full time members of staff and they both love playing sport outside of work. In which sport do they both play for separate teams?
    a. Football
    b. Hockey
    c. Netball

  10. IAPS has a Sport Committee made up of current IAPS member Heads and invited members, they attend a termly meeting to discuss all thing IAPS Sport.

    How many representatives make up the Sport Committee?
    a. 13
    b. 14
    c. 15

IAPSLisa King