Welcome to Issue 49!

Welcome to our September issue! Full of fun sport and a Rugby World Cup Special!

Rugby world cup 2023

It’s the competition a huge number of our readers have been looking forward to - THE RUGBY WORLD CUP 2023!

Rugby World Cup Vision

The Rugby World Cup 2023 organising committee has been working hard, not just to provide us all with a brilliant rugby tournament, but by aiming to be a tournament with a positive impact on community, environment and inclusion.

Rugby Union and Gilbert are 200

It is 200 years since William Webb Ellis picked up the ball at Rugby School and began running with it, thereby creating the game of rugby in 1823.


another way to Watch the Rugby World Cup

World Rugby has launched Rugby Pass TV ahead of the World Cup. 

rugby quiz

Have a go at our rugby quiz!


summer Sports round up

What a summer of sport we have had!

Surfing Success for Team England!

Double European Championship success for Team Surfing England.

Efe Obada Youth Camp

Efe Obada youth camp launches in south London hosted by the NFL Foundation UK, The Greater London Authority and The Bigkid Foundation.


what else is happening this September in the world of SPORT?

We know that the Rugby World cup will dominate our screens and the papers this month but there are many more exciting competitions taking place.


Over to you!

be a young reporter!

Do you want to feature in the next edition?

Do you want to be a Young Reporter?

Is there a sport you're keen to tell other young people about?

Showcase your School!

Would you like your school to feature in the magazine?

Does your school have a great team or facilities you would like to tell us about?

the skills and coaching video wall

Access our sports coaching videos here, including from the professionals, to help you with your skills from home.


bsporty skills wall



find a sport