Modern Pentathlon

Junior European Championships June 2019

What is modern pentathlon(?!) I hear you sounds complicated doesn’t it and could be off putting and so could be a sport you never try. But...if you did try it, or started on the process to trying it, you could love it. is the website you need to look at to find out all about it but here are some main facts.

Pentathlon for young people
pentathlon for kids uk

  • Pentathlon is all about fitness, courage and skill – starting to get interested?

  • It involves 5 sports swimming, fencing, riding, running and shooting.

  • Each sport is held separately except running and shooting which are held together (not as dangerous as it sounds, I promise!)

  • You get points per sport and the winner is the person with the most points when all the sports are added together.

  • So if you enjoy lots of different sports, this could be for you.

The best way to start the process of getting involved in multi-discipline sports is by trying modern biathlon. This is swimming and then running and it covers all age groups with the distances changing depending on the age of the person taking part. Like the points system for pentathlon if you want to compete then you are given points for the swimming part and then points for the running part and these get added together to give your overall score. There’s a British Schools’ Modern Biathlon Championships  for all school age athletes from under 9, whatever school you go to. 

women pentathlon
pentathlon uk
fencing in pentathalon uk

If you don’t like swimming then you could try laser run.

Why don’t you mention it to your teacher to see if you can get involved with your friends?

If you like Biathlon you can then move on to Modern Triathlon which is swimming, running and modern tetrathlon swimming, fencing, running and shooting...and then pentathlon.

Go to the website and click on ‘How to get started’. This website tells you all about laser run events too and events across the various sports.

running for young people


Join park run to get started on your pentathlon or biathlon journey today. Park run is great as it's free to do and all over the country; You don't even need any running experience. 

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