IAPS Skiing 


The IAPS Skiing Championships has been running for 10 years. It started in 2011 in Scotland with just 13 teams for a few days. Ten years later, the event is now held annually in Italy for a whole week and has more than 30 schools and 336 children taking part.  

We put the event into numbers for you to enjoy:  

1440 hours of fun (over 10 years) 

336 children (in 2019) 

200 hours of skiing (over 10 years) 

50+ instructors annually 

47 schools have entered (over 10 years) 

30 schools (in 2020) 

13 schools (in 2011) 

10 years of the event 

9 team combinations 

5 hotels  

4 age groups 

3 types of races 

3 trophies awarded annually 

2 competition slopes 

1 Italian family host the event 


Along with a huge amount of pasta, hot chocolate, spectators, miles travelled to Italy & sunshine in the Dolomites.  

To find our more about our skiing event, you can follow the link to our website: https://iaps.uk/sport/skiing.html  

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