London Cricket Academy


We have had an update from the London Cricket Academy to say that they have just started their summer training sessions and they are running for 11 weeks.

The London Cricket Academy is for children wanting to play elite level cricket and train like professional cricketers.

Their ethos: "There are so many talented players who often miss out on county age groups and formal pathways. Here is another chance of training at the same level. Come and better your skills and compete with the best of the city."


Here are the details if you live in, or can get to, West London for top class coaching for ages 8-14:

Tuesdays: 3:45-5pm - Junior Talent ID clinic (age 5-8)5:30-7:30pm - LCA group training (ages 8-14)

Wednesdays:6-8pm - LCA girls training (ages 11-14)

Saturdays: 5-6:30pm - LCA girls training (ages 11-14)

Sundays: 4-6pm - LCA group training (ages 8-14)

Find out more about the London Cricket Academy and their coaches here

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